Using this form you can buy (borrow) energy for transactions in the TRON blockchain. Buying energy allows you to save a lot of money on the transaction when sending tokens (USDT, USDC, etc.).
You can buy energy for both activated and inactivated TRON addresses.
They can also be your own TRON addresses or those belonging to anyone else.
If you buy less than 30000 energy, a commission of 0.56 TRX will be added to the energy cost to cover the expenses for energy transfer. To avoid the commission you need to increase the amount of energy you buy.
If you buy energy for a non-activated address, a 2 TRX fee will be added for activating the address.
Tip: If you need to send a transaction (or a few) only once, choose to buy energy for one hour. And if you have a constant need to do approximately the same number of transactions every day (for example, you send 10 transactions per day), you can buy energy for a longer period of time.
The savings are calculated against the amount of TRX you need to burn to get the same amount of resource (energy or bandwidth units).
Status: payment is received, the energy transfer is scheduled
Enqueued status auto-update in 00:05Success!
Energy is sent to TRON address for according to order #.
Thank you for your purchase!
Make a new orderError of resource delegation.
Please report it to the support, specifying the order number:
Make a new order